A Brave
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A Brave Space
A Brave Space is an interactive and educational book created for children between 10 and 14 years of age with the purpose of helping them to identify situations regarding sexual abuse, its signs, and consequences, as well as, to encourage the development of a safe environment in which they can feel safe and to which they can turn to in case they need help.
It is a story in which the reader becomes an astronaut who will embark on a journey through space, where he/she will learn about different terms and concepts related to abuse.
This guide has been in English and Spanish, and in an interactive way, combining the digital world so that young people can access safe information on the Internet which will help them expand their knowledge.
Created by the #YoDigoNoMás movement, in conjunction with Dr. Kimberly Alba, a psychologist specializing in child trauma, ‘A Brave Space’ sets as its primary objective to empower young people so that they can learn more about sexual abuse, prevent it and contribute to the fight against this type of menace.
Some of the topics this book addresses are:
- What is sexual abuse?
- Types of sexual abuse.
- How to identify sexual abuse.
- What is consent?
- How to build a circle of support.
- Physical and mental healing.
- Hotlines.
- How to prevent transgenerational trauma.
Become a donor
Thousands of voices speaking as one can achieve amazing things. We invite you to join the #YoDigoNoMas (#ISayNoMore) movement with a donation supporting the development of a variety of programs to aid survivors of abuse.