Couldn’t make it to the walk, but want to join our cause?

You can also help our cause with donations. With just $1, you can make a difference in the life of a child! All proceeds will go towards the development of an educational curriculum. Your contribution will aid in the development of understanding sexual abuse in schools throughout New York State. Yo Digo No Mas has already fostered an alliance with the Yonkers School District and will be piloting an educational curriculum with the 8th grade. Together, we can put an end to the sexual abuse of the most innocent, but we need your help!

About Yo Digo No Mas (I say No More)

Yo Digo No Más, a non-profit organization that has launched a global movement to raise awareness of the high prevalence of sexual abuse happening to our children with a strong focus in Latino communities, which helps break the cycle of sexual abuse through prevention and education, and provide mental health resources and tools for survivors and families.

Annual Walk 2024


The proceeds will be used to develop a curriculum for 8th grade students in the Yonkers School District.

Annual Walk 2024

Become a volunteer

Your knowledge, your enthusiasm, and your time are valuable to us. Help us rewrite the history of thousands of survivors.

Annual Walk 2024

Share your story

Break the chains of sexual abuse, stop protecting the abuser. Raise your voice and say “NO MORE” to sexual abuse.


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