“We must protect the innocent of our children”, María Trusa
During the I Say No More to Sexual Violence March, hundreds of people joined together to say No More to this scourge that destroys the innocence of millions of children and leaves marks in their lives that are very difficult to repair.
“We must protect our children”. When they break our innocent, they destroy our life, and it is very difficult to repair it. “That is why we say No More to sexual abuse”, said María Trusa, a survivor of sexual abuse, founder of the Yo Digo No Más Movement and the leader of this mobilization.
She also thanked the Mayor’s Office and the Yonkers School District for their support and for the opportunity to reach out to this community of children and adolescents who are most in need of sexual abuse prevention tools.
For her part, Jessica Ramirez, co-host of “El Show de Cabanillas”, highlighted the importance of having the courage and impetus to break the silence in the face of this scourge, as this is the only way to begin to change the world and change our thoughts.
Additionally, Yonkers Councilmember Corazón Pineda noted that every 68 seconds a person is a victim of sexual abuse, and it is very likely that many of the cases are not within the statistics, as many of the cases go unreported.
She urged those who are suffering sexual abuse to talk about what is happening to them: “We know that talking is a very difficult thing to do, but it is the only way to overcome those moments and to bring justice. We support them and believe them.”
Find the complete article in the Cabanillas Show.