Sex education: A tool to prevent child abuse?

Sex education: A tool to prevent child abuse?

Worldwide, cases of child abuse are on the rise. Latin American countries such as Mexico, Colombia and Peru have reported record numbers of cases of child sexual violence. Faced with this problem, the question arises: can better sex education prevent the increase in child abuse?

According to the United Nations Organization, known as the UN, one of the main factors influencing the increase in cases of child sexual abuse in Latin America is precisely the region’s backwardness in sex education.

Several studies have shown that if a minor receives good sex education, it can equip him or her with the necessary tools to be able to identify situations in which he or she may be sexually abused.

In 2009, for example, UNESCO published a study indicating that sex education is one of the fundamental pillars, that can provide the world’s children and adolescents with the knowledge they need to begin to make their own decisions and identify dangers when it comes to sexual relationships.

However, for parents, it is often a delicate matter. Even today there is still a taboo on issues related to sexuality, which often prevents minors from receiving a clear education on the subject, making them vulnerable to unscrupulous people who may take advantage of their innocence to commit abuses.

How should sex education for minors be addressed?

Although sex education is a topic that should be discussed in schools and should be part of school planning from an early age, education on this topic at home is also important.

Parents play an important role in the sexual education of children, since it is with them that they spend most of their time, it is important that they know how to approach the subject without any kind of taboo or embarrassment.

Of course, this does not mean that we have to be very explicit on certain topics.

It should be remembered that, from a very early age, children begin to be naturally curious about their genitalia and ask natural questions such as where do babies come from?

When this happens, it is important to start dealing with the subject at their pace and let the children themselves show interest. Each time they ask a question, they should be provided with the appropriate information.

For example, you can start by teaching them the correct names of their genitals. It is important that they know how to identify them and know that they are private parts, which, moreover, should not be shown in public and no one, under any circumstances, should touch them.

Why is sex education important to prevent child abuse?

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, good sex education enables minors to identify cases in which they may be exposed to sexual abuse.

It is important that they learn to identify, from an early age, when a caress can be normal and when it is wrong, so that they can establish limits that will help them avoid possible situations of sexual abuse of which they could be victims.

It should be noted that even in countries where sex education has been implemented in schools for many years, such as Sweden or Denmark, rates of sexual violence against minors continue to be high. For this reason, sex education at home is even more important.

Remember that in the #YoDigoNoMas movement you can count on the help you need in sex education, so that you know how to identify and prevent cases of violence against minors.

Join the movement and let’s fight together against child sexual abuse in the world.