Hundreds of voices joined together to say No More to sexual abuse
In the United States, every 68 seconds a person is a victim of sexual abuse and every 9 minutes the victim is a child. These figures only reflect how prevalent sexual abuse is; however, it is very likely that many of the cases go unreported, so these figures would not be included in these statistics.
In order to prevent this scourge that leaves very negative emotional, economic and structural consequences for survivors, the First I Say No More to Sexual Violence March was held in Yonkers, led by the Yo Digo No Más Movement, the Yonkers School District and the Mayor’s Office.
As part of this day focused on the prevention of sexual abuse, a mobilization and a series of workshops were held to educate children, adolescents, parents, caregivers and the community in general.
Find the full story on the Yonkers Voice digital channel.